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An Irish Late 18th Century Chimneypiece in White Statuary Marble

A George III Neoclassical chimneypiece carved in white statuary marble. The thinner, elegant shelf is typical of the end of the Georgian period in Ireland. The reeded front to the shelf is picked up again below the frieze to form a header to the opening. This reeded section dips under the projecting jamb columns to run the full width of the design. The frieze itself is centred by a finely decorated classical urn which sits between acanthus leaf motifs branching out and scrolling at their ends. It terminates in corner blocks which depict the downcast heads of lions, each holding within its mouth chains of finely carved oak leaves with acorns, carved in high relief, falling down each leg.

Height 50in (127cm) width 71½in (181.5cm)
Internal height 40¾in (103.5cm) width 40⅛in (102cm)
Footblock to footblock 60½in (153.5cm)
Shelf depth 10⅞in (27.5cm)