A Late 18th Century Neoclassical Chimneypiece Statuary and Siena Marbles.
The central tablet is carved a wreath of wheat intersected by diagonally crossed thyrsi, and intertwining ivy, flanked by a frieze veneered with exceptional Convent Siena marble. The corner blocks decorated with beaded and fluted roundels of ovoid form, above reeded pilaster jambs. The low shelf and overscale tablet are transitional details between the Neoclassical Adam period and later Regency chimneypiece design, c. 1790–1800. The Thyrsus is an emblem of Bacchus, who wielded them whilst engaging in Bacchic rites.
Height 55¼in (140.4cm) width 66¾in (168.3cm)
Internal height 44⅜in (112.7cm) width 48½in (123.5cm)
Footblock to footblock 66½in (169cm)
Shelf width 74¾in (190cm) depth 9⅞in (25cm)