A 20th Century Chimneypiece of Strong Architectural Form and Large Proportions
Carved in Clipsham limestone with a Verde Alpi marble inlay on the frieze, and a blank central tablet at centre, supporting an tiered shelf. A stepped moulding is framing the opening.
This fireplace, together with N430 was originally designed for the St George's Rifles club, located at No.56 on Davies Street in Mayfair. The Rifles originated in the Napoleonic era and was a regiment that was considered to be pioneering in terms of its organisation and development of training facilities. The headquarterts of the club were designed by the architect Charles Herbert Shoppee in 1889 in Tudorbethan style.
In 1920 the regiment was reformed as the 9th London Regiment, Queen Victoria Rifles. During the Second World War the regimental headquarters on Davies Street were hit by a direct bomb, which destroyed the upper floors of the building.
In 1950 the headquarters were being rebuilt and designed by Trenwith Wills, who was a prominent architect working
in the early-to-mid 20th century. Trenwith Wills incorporated fragments of the original drill hall in the new building, and
very little appears to have changed in the building since the mid-20th century.
Height 55¼in (140.5cm) width 73in (185.5cm)
Internal height 36¼in (92cm) width 39in (99cm)
Footblock to footblock 63⅝in (161.5cm)
Shelf depth 8⅝in (22cm)