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Jamb G317 fireplace


An Impactful, Late Georgian Chimneypiece of Sienna and Statuary Marbles

An impactful, late Georgian chimneypiece of Sienna and statuary marbles. With breakfront shelf protruding over the jambs with plain tiered rounded mouldings. The sienna frieze is centred with a plaque of dark red Jasper overlaid with a contrasting statuary swag of oak leaves, in high relief upheld at the sides by tied ribbons on hooks. The plain jambs faced with solid sienna pilasters capped with statuary mouldings and sienna blockings, the whole resting on foot blocks, the opening framed with simple white mouldings.

Height 5¼in (148cm) width 73⅝in (187cm)
Internal height 43⅝in (110.8cm) width 43¾in (111.2cm)
Footblock to footblock 65⅜in (166cm)
Depth 8in (20cm)