An Extremely Refined Early Georgian Bardiglio and Old English Marble Chimneypiece
A robust early Georgian chimneypiece in the style of Inigo Jones. The elegant Old English marble moulded shelf is supported by a plain header in Bardiglio marble. The jambs are in the shape of tapering pilaster columns surmounted by Ionic capitals. The simplicity of this design immediately recalls the work of the 16th century architect Inigo Jones. His designs for chimneypieces, profusely reinterpreted by Neo Palladian architects, were often linear and well proportioned. Jones' rectilinear framework did not normally show central decorative elements.
Height 55⅛in (140cm) width 76¼in (193.7cm)
Internal height 42¼in (107.4cm) width 42⅜in (107.6cm)
Footblock to footblock 66in (167.7cm)
Shelf depth 10in (25.5cm)