The richly veined, yellow sienna marble of this reproduction fireplace contrasts with the naturalistically carved white statuary marble in the manner of Sir Henry Cheere (1703–1781). The carved tablet illustrates Aesop’s fable 'The Dog and the Shadow', the moral of which is ‘thou shall not covet’. The original chimneypiece comes from Russborough House in Co. Wicklow, one of the most magnificent Palladian mansions in Ireland. Built in local silver-grey granite with crisp architectural details, the house boasts the longest entrance front in Ireland, extending to over 700 feet.
External Height 61⅜in (156cm) Width 81⅜in (206.7cm)
Internal Height 46⅜in (117.8cm) Width 46½in (118.2cm)
Depth 12⅝in (32.2cm)