A Late 19th Century Statuary Marble, Palladian Revival Chimneypiece
A mask of Venus looks out over the hearth from the centre of the frieze. Her veil is delicate and pellucid while resting on her hair yet the swags falls either side of her are sumptuously rich. A chain of bell flowers follows the line of her jaw and joins together beneath her chin. This magnificent chimneypiece design follows in a grand tradition stretching back to Inigo Jones’ designs detailed in Batty Langley’s 18th century drawings. Following on from this, a near identical chimneypiece can be found at Wentworth Woodhouse in South Yorkshire, the chief architect John Carr placing the chimneypiece in the ship room. Rounded barrel frieze of intricately carved laurel leaves reside beneath the imposing shelf and egg and dart dentil. Side consoles embellish the profile of the jambs, their interior thick with carved acanthus leaves.
Height 60½in (153.8cm) width 76in (193cm)
Internal height 39¾in (101cm) width 46½in (118cm)
Footblock to footblock 73¾in (187.5cm)