A Well Proportioned Late 18th Century Chimneypiece in Statuary Marble with Jasper Inlays of the Highest Quality
A refined fireplace of Greek revival design, with a moulded and breakfront shelf supported by a frieze decorated with inlaid Greek key fretwork. The jambs also show fluted inlays, separated from the cornerblocks by finely carved ornamental guttae, that in a row of six form a regula, a typical architectural element of the Doric order.
Provenance: Chester Terrace, Regents Park.
During the mid 18th century the Greek revival style was introduced in Britain by the architects Nicholas Revett and James Stuart, both members of the Society of the Dilettante. Following their Grand Tours around Greece documenting the ruins they encountered during their travels, several English architects of that period felt the desire of reproducing the Classical architectural style in their work at home, reinterpreting this through the filter of the already established Palladianism. As shown by this chimneypiece, the Doric
Greek style is characterised by sobriety and restrain.
A very similar chimneypiece of the same level of quality and more elaborate design can be found in one of the rooms of the Turf Club at No.5 Carlton terrace House. The building was designed by the Regency Architect John Nash in 1827, however the chimneypiece dates earlier, so it was most certainly was designed for an 18th century building.
Height 55in (140cm) width 78¾in (200cm)
Internal height 42⅞in (109cm) width 46in (117cm)
Footblock to footblock 70in (178cm)
Shelf depth 9in (23cm)